Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Internet security from your own parents?

I have heard all the stories on the news websites-about how parents track everything thier kids do on the computer. I must say that I am very scared, not becasue of the danger of predators, but of the parents themselves.

I have read the stories of the parents who say that they give their kids no privacy. They say that they install programs that track keystrokes, evasdrop on IM's, and even hack into their kids' personal emails. In my opinion, reading someone else's email is worse that stealing their postal mail.

I'm 14-the prime age for an Internet predator and therefore the perfect target of overprotective parents. My parents are nice people and I trust they would never do such an invasive thing as to hack into my email. I have nothing really worth hiding, but I am worried that they may be spying on me. How can I tell if they are?

And if so, should I confront them about it?

Internet security from your own parents?virus scan

When you become a parent you won't feel that way. Then you will look back at what you posted here and say to yourself ''Man was I ever naive.''. Your parents are only trying to protect you. They are also responsible for everything you do. If your children were using or selling drugs wouldn't you want to know?

If you show them that you are trustworthy they will have no reason to spy on you.

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