Wednesday, August 18, 2010

PC Security?

can anyone list all of the ways that someone could connect to my computer (such as remote connections and intruding) and how to stop access?

PC Security?vista

The people connect to your computer by using local area connection or the spyware releaser had sucessfully hacked into your computer.

try to use anti-spyware program to check it out.

or try to go to control penel, then find %26 click Windows Firewall to check its general setting. Make sure it is On(recommended).

!Don't activate ''don't allow exception''!

PC Security?antispyware

There are infinite ways for intruders to get into your computer. The best solution is to 1) Keep all software updated! 2) Have a good anti-virus %26 anti-spyware application and a 3) Firewall. These are the best recommendations short of not having your system connected to the internet your can follow. However even if you follow all these suggestions your system may still not be secure and honestly, there is nothing you can do about it. You have to be alert, be aware of what you are doing and the applications you are using on your computer. Use strong passwords (at least 8 characters with 1 upper case, 1 lower case, one digit , 1 special character%26lt;-if possible) for anything you want to keep protected.

Keep inmind though, unless you have super sensitive information that would land someone millions of dollars odds are your system will never be ''hacked''.

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