Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Macs' Security?

Why is it that people seem to think that macs are ''immune'' to viruses and spyware, when really its that viruses and spyware are not written for macs because hackers would not bother because only 4% of computer users use macs?

Macs' Security?antivirus protection

Simple answer: Advertising.

Apple wants people to think that Macs have good security, which is true, but anyone that can program mac software can make a virus. Macs are secure because every time you make a system change or install a program, it asks you for your password. It is not annoying like Vista is! Macs are great! But just like any OS that has software for it, it can have viruses! Hope this helps!

Macs' Security?computer repair

That is what the human mind has led them to believe since they know nothing about the os themselves. The mind is always trying to create an answer for something they know nothing about. Who else would create a virus besides the people who created the mac os. Seems pretty retarded but non the less mac are no where near immune. Windows can be so called immune as well if people dont try to download pirated material PORN etc and keep up with virus upadtes.

When people finally get the message that hey people don't waste their mind making viruses for macs . Then they will get it . I hate macs there just for business type applications . You can do very little with macs . Gaming becomes hard unless your willing to pay 3000 bucks or more the same specs of a 1500 pc will cost 3500 to get the same thing in a mac
the way people see it is that the end result is that they do not get virus' on OS X and it doesnt really matter why.

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